About us

Nasze podejście

Nasza historia

Our story...

began in the fall of 2000. The future founder of the office - George Pasko, then the law student at the University of Warsaw - after returning from a summer trip to the United States invented the office's model. After acquiring attorney's license he wanted to set up a law firm together with his two student friends - Paul and Tom. One of them would be in the United States and two in Poland - and they would provide comprehensive services in the field of Polish law for clients from the United States. While being able to meet clients in the USA and carry out cases before Polish courts and authorities, they would be able to solve any legal problem. The fate of Paul and Tom went differently, but George Pasko graduated from law studies, became an attorney in Poland in 2008, obtained a foreign legal consultant license in Illinois in 2018 - and in cooperation with att. Gliwska realizes his dream from almost twenty years ago.

Meet our team

Our law firm consists of three lawyers, experienced in representing and advising American clients

George Pasko

attorney, FLC

Chicago, Milwaukee, Warsaw


Monika Gliwska




Send us a message

If you want to learn more about us, about our office and about our practice - write us a message.